Contribute to Pries for Commissioner

Thank you for your continued support!!! In order to assist us in our re-election campaign we ask that you mail any donations to:

Pries for Commissioner
P.O. Box 464
Harrisburg, PA 17108

**Please no corporate checks.**
You may also donate online using the form below

Personal Information

Employment Information

Donation Information

Donation Amount

Please acknowledge the following statement by checking the checkbox
I have read and understand the following statements: Contributions to Pries for Commissioner are not tax deductible. No corporate contributions are allowed and may not be submitted in electronic or paper form. Pries for Commissioner is required to make best efforts to obtain and report the name, address, occupation, employer and employer address for any contribution over $250. By checking this box I also agree that this transaction will be processed by National Acceptance Company who engages in the activity of processing electronic payments.

Please do not submit unless you have read and agreed to these terms.

Please select if this is to be a one-time donation, or a recurring monthly donation
Recurring donations occur on the 25th of each month until cancelled

Please see below for details, then scroll to the top of the page and correct any errors.

Please do not refresh this page or press finalize more than once. This process may take up to 1 minute to complete.

Paid for by Pries for Commissioner
Contact information provided will be transmitted to the committee. National Acceptance Company assumes no responsibility or obligation for the protection of the privacy of this information by the committee. Credit Card information will be used for processing only and will not be shared with the committee or any third party except for the express purposes of processing or as required by law.